Saturday, April 11, 2015

Simple Joys

Hello Friends,

I am sending you wishes for a fabulous weekend filled with simple joys.

For me those are the simplest of things-
the scent of lemon verbena and coconut geraniums (pictured above)
the field of bluebonnets across the road
tiny birds at the feeder
English breakfast tea in my favorite mug
2 hours of solitude and silence (oh the joy!)
time to write
a day with nothing on the to do list other than 'enjoy the day'
the sound of my children's laughter

What simple things bring you joy?

I like this quote:

Joy is prayer
Joy is strength
Joy is love
Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls
                                                   ~ Mother Teresa

Whatever brings you joy, I pray you take time for it this weekend.

Catherine Ann

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