Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Around Here

The plants are budding and blooming and otherwise in growth mode.
Life is like that as well, some things in bud, others in bloom, and we are experiencing some very painful growing pains and pruning of areas in the process.

A season for everything ...

Blackberry blossom, and now there are even a few green berries.  Looking forward to fruit in the coming season!

Sage has crazy lush growth after I pruned it back all the way to the ground at the end of winter.

Mugwort has also bounced back from its annual pruning.

Comfrey is putting on new growth and blossoms.

My current favorite rose, 'Nearly Wild' is also an early bloomer.

Though I much prefer the blossoming and producing of fruit, a good pruning is an often painful, but necessary part of the growing process.  Dead growth, diseased branches, things gone a bit too wild; these have to be pruned away so that a plant (or a person!) can grow and produce as it (or she) is meant to.

So, what's blossoming in your world these days?
Or where is a good pruning needed?


Catherine Ann

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